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About Ruby Cakes Cookies

Hi! My name is Brittney and I started decorating sugar cookies in 2014. It began as something fun for my kids' birthdays and events. Slowly, I started making them for friends and other family members. One order led to another...and here we are today!


​I have a wonderful, supportive husband and four kids: 3 teenage boys and our little girl, Ruby Kaye. The idea to start turning my cookie hobby into a business began right after Ruby was born. Her first and middle name morphed into the nickname "Ruby Cakes" and became the name of my cookie brand as well. She still answers to her nickname and sometimes even just "Cakes". She's still too young to really help make the cookies, but she and the boys are excellent tasters and are always on the hunt for "mess ups". I am a special needs mama, two of my children have autism.


Decorating sugar cookies is the perfect outlet for me. The creative possibilities are endless, every order is different! At the end of the day, I fulfill my creative need, take a picture of my work, and then hand off my creations for you to enjoy and eat. I love sharing my cookies and helping others make their special occasions a little more magical. Thank you for letting me be a small part of your big day! I truly love what I do, I hope that love can been seen and tasted in each bite. 


All the best, Brittney (and Ruby)


Contact Me:

​If you want to order cookies, go to my



Brittney Crabtree

Ruby Cakes Cookies

Home Bakery in Rocklin, CA

PR# 19845

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